Colin Young (Col)


Col has a extensive Doctor Who Record Collection

Doctorin' the Tardis - The Timelords

Doctor Who (theme) - Mankind

Doctor-in-Distress - Who Cares - 1985

Who is the Doctor - John Pertwee - 1972

Doctor? - Blood Donor - 1980

The Human League - Tom Baker

K-9 and Co - BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Theme from Doctor Who - Peter Howell

Theme from Doctor Who - Peter Howell

The Daleks

Music from the Thunderbirds and Doctor Who 1975

Stereo version of the Dr Who Theme - BBC records and tapes

Doctor Who is gonna fix it - Oveden, Wateson, Young

Dr Who theme, stereo version 1973

Who is the Doctor - John Pertwee

Who's Who
Roberta Tovey

Doctor Who Theme
BBC Radiophonic workshop 1972

Doctor Who Theme
Eric Winstone

I'm gonna spend Christmas with a Dalek
The Go-Go's

Doctor Who Theme (Stereo)
BBC Radiophonic workshop 1973

Doctor Who Theme
BBC Radiophonic workshop

Who is the Doctor
Jon Pertwee

Fugue for Thought
Bill McGuffle

The Eccentric Doctor Who
Malcolm Lockyer Orchestra 1965

Daleks & Thals
Malcolm Lockyer Orchestra 1965

Doctor Who
Don Harper's Homo Electronicus 1975

Dance of the Daleks
Jack Dorsey Orchestra

Landing of the Daleks
The Earthlings

Doctor Who
BBC Radiophonic workshop

K-9 and Co.
BBC Radiophonic workshop - 1982

Doctor Who
Dominic Glynn

Doctor Who
Mankind - 1978

Doctor Who

Doctor Who
BBC Theme

The World of Dr Who

Landing of the Daleks
The Earthlings

Original Sound Track
BBC Radiophonic workshop

Ckick to Play the song with Windows Media Player
Click to Listen        Who's Dr. Who?     Click to Listen
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All of the pictures on this page are the property of Colin Young (Col) and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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