Colin Young (Col)


Dedicated to the Memory of
John Nathan-Turner
and Danny Currie.
Click to see a larger view of Col and his Tardis
Col and his Tardis
(Click for a larger view)

Col lives in Scotland and has been collecting all things Dr Who for well over 25 years. A fan of the show since age six, he has spent almost all his life gathering together the best and most unique items. He enjoys original artwork, Video oddities and has a soft spot for the 1960s Dalek movies. Owning over 1000 Target books he is a library all on his own.

If you have any doubt that Col is a Dr Who fan just look at his four tattoos. A Rassilon seal on his left arm, a Dalek riding a hoverbout on his right shoulder a Menoptera on his right arm and the latest a Cyberman on his left shoulder. Always looking to expand his collection, Col can be found on eBay hunting for the hidden gem.

Colin can be contacted by Email Colin

 In particular Col would like to find.
  • Dalek Sugar Puffs box from the 1960's
  • Dalek Punching Bag
  • A William Hartnell autograph on a Dr Who Photo
  • Original Artwork from 1964 to present
So if you know the whereabouts of any of these
he would appreciate the information

Watch Col on Fanorama
Col's vast knowledge of Dr Who was called upon as a contestant on the Television show Fanorama. A UK game show that pits two fans against each other to determine who knows the most about their passion. Click on the go button to watch Col battle Charles the Tardis licking Who fan.
Click to watch Col using a fast internet connection Broadband connection
Click to watch Col using a 56K internet connection 56K Dial up connection
(You need RealOne Player)  

There can be no question of his dedication to Dr Who with these four tattoos. The Cyberman was drawn by Lee Sullivan especially for Colin's shoulder.

Terrance Dicks discusses the future of Dr Who with Col at Lasswade High School in 1982.

Col at the Blackpool exhibition in 1985.

Enjoy this small sample of Colin's Collection

 More pages of great things to see in Col's Collection
Dalek Movie Items
Dalek Movie
Weetabix Items



Click on the sections below to see more
Props Merchandise Artwork

Seven Keys to Doomsday
Dapol Calling Card

Plans For The Inside Of The Spaceship from "Frontier In Space"

Click for a larger image Click for a larger image

The original Invasion helmet that was modified
to be used as the master for all the Earthshock helmets
(click on the pictures to see a larger image)

Dalek hemisphere from the Dalek that was used in the 5 Dr, the ball was taken off the Dalek at the Longleat 20 anniversary event, unusual it is it made of wood.
Timelord Rassilon seals from a Timelord Collar

Click to see a larger image

Click to see a picture of the back
Ckick to see a larger  image
Device used by the Dr in the Grove in Traken to find the Tardis and later used in the full Servo Shut Off prop.
Click to see a larger image
Dalek sphere from Destiny that was later used in the Servo shut off from Keeper of Traken.
Servo Shut Off from "The Keeper of Traken"

This key prop from the story shows how items were reused over and over during production. The big sphere was previously used in Destiny of the Daleks. They even used bits to pull double duty in the same story.        (click on the pictures to see a larger image)

Servo Robot from "The Wheel in Space"

The one and only, actual Servo Robot. The show is no longer around and there are few relics left from that classic episode but if you run into Col on the street ask how the robot is doing. He would know because it lives in his front room.

A view of one of Col's Merchandise Displays

Two of the harder to find novels with Hartnell on them. On the left is the Brazilian version of Day of the Daleks (1974, cover by Darlon) and on the right the Dutch Hardback of An Exciting Adventure with the Daleks (1966, art by Herson).

Three-dimensional cardboard K9. This one half size regeneration of the motorized companion was a promotion display for Target Books. Not much else is know about this great item. If you have seen this before, know some background of its origins, when it was made, or how many there may still be around Col would appreciate a email.
On the back of the chair is the guards costume from the auction at Longleat 1983. On the right arm of the chair is a Tereleptil mask from the original mold. Beside that is an ice warrior and robot of death mask. On the arm of the chair is the communicator arm pads from Earthshock. On the floor is a chest unit and helmet from the trooper costume which is hanging from the Dalek eye stalk. Then there is a revenge Cyber head. and the poster is from the London underground for the 66 release of the film. Finally there is the Dalek.


Scratch Built War Machine made in 1995 with exacting detail.

 More pages of great things to see in Col's Collection
Dalek Movie Items
Dalek Movie
Weetabix Items



Colin can be contacted by Email Colin
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Colin Young (Col) and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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