Andy Davenport

Doctor Who had been on for nearly six years before Andy was born. He can trace his love for the Daleks back to his very first memories of the Doctor. A Dalek falling into the water from the story Death to the Daleks., soon followed by memories of Davros and his creations from Genesis of the Daleks. It wasn't long before Andy was recieving Dalek related gifts as Birthday & Christmas presents. Andy cherished his Daleks so much he would ask for a Dalek death ray ice-lolly in the sweet shop even though he didn't like the flavour. It was a Dalek, that's all that mattered!

Andy is a 3D Animator and Digital effects artist living near Guildford, Surrey in England where he has been casually collecting Dr Who related items for the past twenty-five years. It is only in the last few  years that he has started seriously collecting Dalek toys. 

Andy is a visual effects artist, animator and compositor. He is a regular contributor of articles and tutorials for 3D World magazine and currently works for U.K based studio Mediastation

Andy can be contacted by Email Andy

Enjoy this small sample of
Andy's Collection

Selcol Nursery Toy Dalek (1965)
Herts Dalek (1965)
Cherilea Swappit Dalek (1965)
Daleks (various 01)
Daleks (various 02)
Daleks (various 03)
Assorted Cybermen
"Invasion" Style Cyberman Helmet
"Earthshock" Style Cyberman Helmet
"New Series" style Cyberman Helmet

Andy can be contacted by Email Andy
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Andy Davenport and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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