Sam Lloyd

Welcome to my Doctor Who Collection page.

I have been collecting Doctor Who items since 2003. It all started when my Mum and Dad asked me if I had ever heard of this programme called Doctor Who so I went on Google and typed in Doctor Who and that is when I found this website, I have been collecting ever since.

You can keep checking this page because I am always updating it, I don't own any props from the show yet because I can never afford them but I do have some interesting items. I am always pleased when people send me Emails asking about my collection because I know that people are interested, I check my Emails every day so you dont have to wait long for a reply.

I have put all the things I own into seperate groups so it is easier to see them.

Sam can be contacted by Email Sam

Enjoy this small sample of
Sam's Collection


Sam can be contacted by Email Sam
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Sam Lloyd and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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