David Ewen

No description on file.

I collected as a child but sold this all in my teens in the late 90s, but started collecting again soon after. I grew up with the much maligned Sylvester McCoy era, but it is this era which is closest to my heart. I collect merchandise and props

Since the end of 2007, I have been collecting screen used items, particularly from the 7th doctor era. I am looking to build a complete screen used 7th doctor costume, particulary the brown coloured jacket from season 26 and the duffle coat from Curse of Fenric. I would be interested if anyone has info on these items as it is a big ambition of mine to find out more about the 7th doctor costume pieces and other screen used props from 1980s Who. Please email

David can be contacted by Email David

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David can be contacted by Email David
All of the pictures on this page are the property of David Ewen and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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