Chris Balcombe

Chris lives in the UK, and worked as a professional photographer, writer and picture editor for over 40 years.  Now semi-retired, he has a number of original props from the classic Doctor Who period (pre-1988) including an original BBCtv dalek with sections dating back to their very first appearance in 1963.  Another prize is his complete Voc Robot head, front and back chest-plate and upper-body costume from 1977.

Some of his collection appeared on the BBC 1 BARGAIN HUNT Doctor Who 60th Anniversary Special in November 2023. Chris helps open the show inside his Genesis Dalek replica, chasing presenter Eric Knowles! You can find it via the BBC iPlayer.

Or find Chris' YouTube channel, packed with Doctor Who material including a detailed look at the old BBCtv Dalek he owns. Another video looks at the Whomobile (something Chris hasn't been able to buy!)

Almost every item Chris owns is always open to very good cash offers, as he seeks to evolve and refine his collection

If YOU have an original prop from any Doctor Who series, and are interested in finding out what it's worth, email Chris at

A selection from Chris' collection can be seen below

All images are copyright Chris Balcombe or BBC or the individual photographers. All rights reserved 2024

If you happen to watch the BBC 20th Century Roadshow you will likely have seen Chris collection featured on that show. If you missed it have a look now.
20th Century Roadshow
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If you have any original, screen-used Doctor Who props from the current or original series, and are interested in selling, please feel free to drop Chris an email.

Chris can be contacted by Email Chris

Enjoy this small sample of Chris's Collection

Click on the section below to see more

Original 1960s BBCtv Dalek (left) and a Genesis Dalek, both owned by Chris, helping with a photoshoot with the Whomobile & Lord Montagu of Beaulieu
Original 1960s BBCtv Dalek
1-7 on the right, in Resurrection of The Daleks 1984. BBC Photo
The back sections of Dalek One/Seven
Dalek 1-7 in the Five Doctors, on Skaro, in 1983. Pic by BBC
The main remains of the Dalek as seen in the Bonhams auction brochure
The casing in the hit Genesis Of The Daleks
The Dalek on display at the Llangollen Doctor Who exhibition
Facing Peter Duncan on Blue Peter (copyright screengrab BBCtv)
Dalek One/Seven confronts Jon Pertwee in 1974 (BBC Photo)
Original Voc head from The Robots Of Death 1977
The head as it appeared on screen, left. And the end credits, right
The head as it is today, with the original paintwork
Actor John Bleasdales name inside the head, and a close-up of the eye detail, right
Original Voc Robot top tunic/arms jacket. Now undergoing restoration. With original back and front fibre-glass fittings
The original chrome showing through on the Silver Nemesis chest unit
Original BBCtv Cyberman suit, worn in Earthshoch & Attack, by actor Steve Ismay
Cyberman Earthshock weapon used in the BBCtv DOCTOR WHO: Thirty Years In The Tardis documentary. Made by ex-BBC SFX maestro Andrew Hopkinson, who tragically died in July 2021
Doctor Who: Thirty Years in the TARDIS, lasted 50 minutes. The gun has a camera flash fitted inside, triggered by the black switch
The weapon was built by ex-staff BBC SFX maestro Andrew Hopkinson. Jon Pertwee, Sylvester McCoy and Colin Baker were featured
Screen-used Dalek Trooper Helmet with original visor
Top right: The plaster with the name ROGER written on it, inside the helmet.
Buyer beware! This is one of the most copied Doctor Who helmets. Ask for provenance ALWAYS!
Original production-used set plan/model for Remembrance Of The Daleks (1988) detailing Studio 8 (TC8) at Television Centre
The paper studio floor plan has been mounted onto foam board, then intricate models built onto it
Hand-crafted models include Colehill School, the cafe, cellar, interior and the framework/interior of the Dalek Shuttle
There is even a miniature Dalek at the centre of the Dalek Shuttle model
This is the model of the cafe. The set model measures 28 by 22 inches. It was kept safe by the family of the designer
Bomb device from Revelation Of The Daleks, 1985. Used by Davros, Orcini and others
Revelation Of The Daleks bomb device on screen. Actor William Gaunt played assasin Orcini. Davros also held it
Original Imperial Dalek Plunger used in Remembrance of the Daleks, 1988. Retained by SFX maestro Mike Tucker
Replica of the Michael Wisher Davros measured from the original, made by the sadly-missed Andy Hopkinson
The Davros Chris owns featured on a Radio Times 50th Anniversary Cover (November 2013) behind Tom Baker
Davros on his way to a sci-fi exhibition in Guernsey, which ran until Christmas 2017
Complete with the correct, larger panel switches, a 2024 photo of Davros with two Daleks
Davros featured with Alan Titchmarsh (left) in the 2005 BBC1 show 20th Century Roadshow
Chris Brimelow replica Season 12 Tom Baker Scarf
2007: The Shakespeare Code. Original Lilith Witch face prosthetic from genius Neill Gorton of Millennium FX
A close-up view reveals the individual hairs applied to the eyebrows and nose mole!
Christina Cole as Lilith the Carrionite. Pic: Copyright BBC Worldwide
Original Moonboot from Earthshock
Gold Dalek built by expert VFX man Scott Wayland in 2005
Gold 2005 Dalek & Genesis replica owned by Chris beside BESSIE at the National Motor Museum, Beaulieu UK. 2024-2025
EX-SNOWMINATE!! Fun with the gold Dalek Chris owns. Scott Wayland built a stunt Dalek for the show too
Photos taken by Chris appeared in several national UK papers, and across the web
Another winter, another snowball fight, this time making a spread in the UK Daily Star national paper
The Gold Dalek wearing an identical scarf to that worn by Jodie Whittaker on New Years Day 2019
Replica of K9, the Doctors faithful metal dog. Radio-controlled
Genesis Dalek owned by Chris with Raymond P Cusick. Photo ©Chris Balcombe
Chris with the Dalek and Sylvester McCoy at the BBC South studios
The replica has appeared in many media, including Dr Who Magazine
This shot of the Dalek appeared as a half-page in the Doctor Who Magazine Dalek Special. Recognize the backdrop?
The Dalek in the Doctor Who Magazine 50 Years Of The Daleks Souvenir Issue in March 2014
With Chris inside, it starred in a Nestle KitKat TV and movie advert
It appears 3 times on this 2013 Radio Times cover
Chris, his Genesis/KitKat replica Dalek & Eric Knowles on the BBC1 daytime show Bargain Hunt in 2023
Veteran Bargain Hunt Lighting Cameraman Nathan Ridler lines up a shot, as Chris waits inside his Dalek!
The BBC Bargain Hunt end titles roll. It was a 60th Anniversary Doctor Who Special, recorded in South Wales
A Genesis Christmas! Pictured by Chris at his home for The Sun newspaper
And how it looked in The Sun Newspaper, with a 2nd Dalek now living in the USA
Chris operating his KitKat Dalek. Presenter Alan Titchmarsh (centre) hosted the BBC1 series 20th Century Roadshow in 2005
The BBC1 20th Century Roadshow end-credits roll
Cyberman display by Stuart Evans, for the Noel Edmonds Crinkley Bottom theme park in 1994
Original stunt banknotes from David Tennants The Runaway Bride. Beware of very good photocopies!
Original Eagle Comic - same issue read by Peter Cushing in the first Dalek movie
3rd Doctor Jon Pertwee as Worzel Gummidge in the 1980s. ©Chris Balcombe
Gary Seymour also tried out a biscuit jar design!
Original Bubble Shock drink bottle from the Sarah Jane Adventures
Bubble Shock bottle as seen in the episode. We still miss Lis Sladen so much
Another screen-grab shows the bottles on the show. ©BBC Wales
Cyber-Squirrel! OK, not technically a prop but certainly unique. Made from a Cyber radio by Chris, & packed with peanuts!
Now owned by a collector in the USA
Chris used to own this Sea Warrior head, used in Warriors Of The Deep (1984)
Original Fun Gun used in ‘The Happiness Patrol’ (1988). Sold January 2023 to a top UK collector!
The Happiness Patrol gun being used by Daisy K. Photo copyright BBC Worldwide, from the BBC Video
The colourful weapon as it looks today. Thankyou Mike Tucker for looking after it so well!
The gun on screen again, with Susan Q. Picture is copyright BBC Worldwide and from the BBC DVD of The Happiness Patrol
Screen-used model Dalek made by Stuart Evans, seen in Colin Bakers Revelation Of The Daleks
The model, here with a later-added Remembrance plunger, left Chris as a part-swap for Dalek 1-7
(Apologies for the typos above. Written after a very long day!)
Original 1973 Green Death giant Fly. Chris owned it for years, before swapping for another prop!
Stella Receiver from Pyramids Of Mars, 1975. Made by Ian Scoones
The prop being used by Tom Baker, with Lis Sladen and Michael Sheard
The same prop in Blakes 7. Project Avalon written by Terry Nation
Chris bought these figurines used in The Five Doctors (1983) from Who producer John Nathan-Turner. Now in another collection.
The Master’s Tissue Compression Eliminator, now in another private UK collection
The TCE as it looks today, with the push-in brass knob at the rear
Picture taken by Bonhams, London, for their catalogue
Original Silver Nemesis arrow. Now in the collection of Alex in London

If you have any original, screen-used Doctor Who props from the current or original series, and are interested in selling, please feel free to drop Chris an email.

All photographs on this website are the copyright of either the BBC, where credited, or Chris Balcombe, They cannot be used or reproduced without explicit written permission. The daleks are copyright BBC and Terry Nation's Estate. Full size daleks of every type are available to buy from This Planet Earth, at

Chris can be contacted by Email Chris

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