Simon Taylor

Simon is a young collector (36) in the small village of Ryhall in the East Midlands of the U.K where he has put together an amazing collection. He has been collecting Doctor Who merchandise for the past 31 years and his collection is currently residing in a room at his Granddads house. Among his many item he has the complete set of Dr Who titles currently available on VHS, many with autographs of the cast, a half size Dalek and a chess set.

Christopher Ecclestone is Simon's favorite incarnation of the Doctor, simply because he wasn't alive to see the series live back when the others were originally aired the first time. His earliest memory of the 'classic' series is seeing a repeat of Remembrance of the Daleks on UK Gold.

Simon has never been to a convention but hopes to do so in the near future. One highlight though would be his recent trip to the Doctor Who Exhibition in Blackpool where he and his family were kindly allowed to sit in Bessie for some photographs.

You will find Simon on the message board as TimelordTaylor

Simon can be contacted by Email Simon

Enjoy this small sample of Simon's Collection

Framed War games display signed by Patrick Troughton (The Doctor) Frazier Hines (Jamie) Wendy Padbury (Zoe) David Savile (Lieutenant Carstairs) Phillip Madoc (Warlord) David Troughton (Moor) and Rudolph Walker (Harper)

Signed postcards by Chris Ecclestone, Paul MgGann, Peter Davison, and Sylvester McCoy.
Framed Parting of the Ways display signed by Christopher Ecclestone, David Tennant (The Doctor) Billie Piper (Rose), John Barrowman (Jack),Camille Coduri (Jackie) Noel Clarke (Mickey) Jo Joyner (Lynda) Paterson Joseph (Roderick) Jo Stone-Fewings (Male Programmer) Nisher Nayer (Female Programmer) Alan Ruscoe (Ann Droid) Barnaby Edwards (Dalek Operator) and Nick Briggs (Dalek Voices)

Signed photos of Janet Fielding (Tegan), Sarah Sutton (Nyssa) Anthony Ainley (The Master) Nicola Bryant (Peri) and a signed card by Michael Wisher (original Davros)
Original directors shooting script from 1988's Silver Nemisis

End of the World FDC signed by Alan Ruscoe (Tree Person). The Unquiet Dead FDC signed by Eve Myles (Gwenyth) Aliens of London FDC signed by Eric Potts (oliver Charles) World War three FDC signed by Paul Casey (Slitheen)

Dalek FDC signed by John Schwab (Bywater) The Long Game FDC signed by Anna Maxwell Martin (Suki) Fathers Day FDC signed by Paul Cornell (Episode Writer) The Empty Child FDC signed by John Barrowman (Jack)

The Doctor Dances FDC signed by Florence Hoath (Nancy) Boom Town FDC signed by Annette Badland (Margret) Bad Wolf FDC signed by Davin McCall (Voice of Davinadroid) The Parting of the Ways FDC signed by Nick Briggs (Dalek Voices)

Daleks FDC signed by Tom Baker (4th Dr) and Elisabeth Sladen (Sarah Jane Smith) The Nightmare Begins FDC signed by Brian Cant (Kert Gantry) The Troughton Trio FDC signed by Anneke Wills (Polly) Deborah Watling (Victoria) and Wendy Padbury (Zoe) The War Games FDC signed by Wendy Padbury (Zoe) and Phillip Madoc (Warlord)

The Claws of Axos FDC cover signed by John Levine (Benton) Davros and the Daleks FDC signed by Terry Molley (3rd Davros) Dr Who and the Daleks signed by Jenny Linden (Barbara) Daleks Invasion Earth FDC signed by Bernard Cribbins (Tom Cambell)

First Day Covers: Top New Series launch cover postmarked 26th March 2005 the day Doctor Who returned to our screens. Bottom. Rose FDC signed by Alan Ruscoe (lead Auton)

New series memoribillia
New series keyrings

New series books
New series script book, video boxset and talking mug (dalek design)

Infra-red control movie daleks
Dalek Roll-A-Matics

New series action figures
1960's Dalek Rolykin

Unboxed dapol toys with more statues and mugs
Complete set of VHS videos

Half size Dalek, Red inflatable Dalek and full size K9 prop.
Dalek construction kit, jigsaw 1970's k9 unboxed and 2 early daleks.

Another shot of the Half size Dalek and red inflatable. The inflatable was used as a stage prop by 1980's 'Spirit in the Sky' band Doctor and the Medics on a recent tour and is signed by the band members.
Dalek Cupboard. This is where the Half Size dalek lives keeping guard over the various dapol figures, talking daleks and rolykins that surround it.

Dr. Who chess set (right) with the complete run of expansion pieces (left)

Statues with the certificate of authencicty for the Tomb of the Cybermen display.

Books, cookie jars, complete set of plates (so far), audio cassestes, models and statues.
Tom baker shop window display.

1970's Talking Dalek boxed and in perfect working order with Dalek Bubblebath, unfortunatly unboxed but with original bubble bath content.

Dalek construction kit, jigsaw 1970's k9 unboxed and 2 early daleks.
Jon Pertwee signed picture

Audio tin boxsets

Some of the rarer dapol figures (from right) early cyberman, incubating dalek, patrick troughton, black cyberman (backing card signed by Frazer Hines and Anneke Wills, and a 2 handed davros (unboxed)

25 Glorius years hardback signed by manny

First 2 Dalek Books and first Dr Who annual from the 1960's in excellent condition.

JN-T and the TITTERS 1997 club t-shirt 1 of only 20 in the world

Simon can be contacted by Email Simon
All of the pictures on this page are the property of Simon Taylor and may not be used or reproduced in any way without his explicit written consent.

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