Bathroom Buddies

Tom Baker PrototypeThese crocheted and knitted replicas of the Doctors, Companions and villains are the perfect bathroom accessories for the avid Who Fan. Intended to conceal the extra toilet paper role or facial tissue (which is what the body sits over) with the added benefit of providing a conversation partner while you do your business.

Each one of the Bathroom Buddies is hand crafted by Brandy Coffey in Granite City Illinois. She made the first Buddy (4th Doctor) as a joke on her husband Tom, a ravenous Who fan himself. This little prank has turned into a hobby that occupies a large portion of Brandy's spare time. Her workroom looks a bit like Dr Frankenstein's Laboratory with little body parts piled all over waiting for final assembly.

5 little Pertwee's all in a rowIt is the little details that catch your eye when you look at one of the Buddies. The celery on the 5th Doctors lapel, the watch chain on the 6th Doctors waistcoat, and the umbrella that the 7th Doctor holds are all gems. Then there is the wonderful 57-inch long scarf of the 4th Doctor. K9 with his looped tail is sprinkled with embellishments that make you smile each time you look at him.

The Bathroom Buddies are available exclusively from "Doctor Who North America" ( but the numbers produced are so small that you have to be quick to get one. Most are sold out within hours.

1 st Doctor

The First Doctor

Quantity Made : 11
Released : December 2002


The Second Doctor

Quantity Made : ??
Released : ?????

3rd Doctor

The Third Doctor

Quantity Made : 11
Released : May 2003

4th Doctor

The Fourth Doctor

Quantity Made : 24
Released : June 2002 with a second release March 2003

5th Doctor

The Fifth Doctor

Quantity Made : 11
Released : July 2002

6th Doctor

The Sixth Doctor

7th Doctor

The Seventh Doctor

Quantity Made : 11
Released : June 2003

Pile of partsPile of 7th Doctor parts Pant LegDetail of the Pant leg.
UmbrellaThe Doctor's trade mark umbrella SweaterA perfect miniature sweater.

The Eight Doctor

Quantity Made :
Released :



Quantity Made : 12
Released : January 2003

K9 PrototypeK9 Prototype  

The Master

Quantity Made : 11
Released : October 2002


Romana II

Quantity Made : 6
Released : August 2003

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