

Episode 6

written by

David Whitaker

First Broadcast: 1st June, 1968


Space (JAMIE and ZOE are travelling from the Wheel to the Space Rocket when they are caught in a meteorite storm. JAMIE points frantically at the meteorites.)

JAMIE: Look, Zoe! Look!

ZOE: The meteorites! They're heading straight for us!


Operations Room (LEO and ENRICO are at the controls. Behind them are the DOCTOR and TANYA. All are looking worried.)

LEO: Fire!

(ENRICO hits the fire button.)


Exterior, the Wheel (The laser gun mounted on the outside of the Wheel fires a single shot.)


Space (The shot destroys one of the meteorites, starting off a chain reaction between a couple of the closer meteories. Both JAMIE and ZOE are thrown about with the shock waves of the explosions. They grab hands to try and stay together.)


Operations Room

ENRICO: We're hitting them!

DOCTOR: What about Jamie and Zoe?

(TANYA moves closer to LEO, who is busy checking the targeting controls.)

TANYA: Leo, the shock radiation and blast...

LEO: (to ENRICO) Fire!

TANYA: But you must think about those two children...

LEO: I can't think of anything else except those meteorites. (to ENRICO) Fire!

TANYA: But Zoe and the boy...

LEO: I can't help that! They've got to take their chances. (to ENRICO) Range, Rico?

ENRICO: One eighty - One ninety.

LEO: Right, new sequence...

(ENRICO touches another control.)

Red on standby... Fire!

(TANYA, now very anxious, turns to the DOCTOR.)

TANYA: They could be blown out into space!

DOCTOR: Zoe calculated the risk. Let's hope she was right.

LEO: Fire!


Space (The shot destroys another one of the meteorites, starting off another chain reaction. The latest shock wave causes JAMIE and ZOE to lose hold of each other's hands.)


Operations Room (Both LEO and ENRICO have now stopped firing the laser.)

ENRICO: The screen's clear, sir... We've done it! Main body deflected.

DOCTOR: Any signs of Jamie and Zoe?

ENRICO: No. I won't be able to pick them up on the video screen until the static has cleared.

LEO: Well, keep it on blue-standby for now. There's bound to be a cloud of smaller stuff following on behind.

ENRICO: Yeah. Ok.

LEO: And do a check on all circuits.

(He turns to the bridge TECHNICIANS.)

LEO: Maintain all power levels until further notice.

ENRICO: I can't find them.

LEO: (to ENRICO) Watch out for smaller meteorites, Rico.

(He turns to the DOCTOR.)

Now then, you know what you've done, don't you, hey? Those two kids out there have probably been either burned up by radiation or fried by thermal blast. Always assuming, of course, they weren't actually hit by any of that rubbish.

DOCTOR: Do you think I don't know that? It was a calculated risk that had to be taken!

LEO: Why?

DOCTOR: Because there's something on that rocket that we've got to have if we are going to beat the Cybermen.

LEO: And that justified risking two lives?

DOCTOR: Yes! To save many! But anyway, we are all going to get killed shortly unless you change over to sectional air supply.

LEO: What are you talking about?

DOCTOR: The Cybermen are going to poison the air!

LEO: How do you know?

DOCTOR: Gemma told me.

LEO: Where is she?

DOCTOR: She's in the oxygen room.

LEO: Right, well I'll talk to her.

DOCTOR: No, no, well y... you... you can't.

(He looks away.)

She's dead.

(TANYA gasps in shock. LEO stares at the DOCTOR, then moves over to the communications scanner and finds the channel for the Oxygen Room. The screen shows GEMMA lying by the door, dead.)

DOCTOR: She sacrificed her life to warn us.

ENRICO: Here comes another swarm!

(LEO recrosses the bridge back to the laser gun controls.)

ENRICO: E-con bearing 45-36.

LEO: Right

(LEO sits back in his chair with ENRICO.)

TANYA: Any sign of Zoe or the boy?


(JARVIS has got up from his chair, and after a long look at GEMMA's body on the screen, quietly leaves the room - not noticed by anybody.)

LEO: Right, all systems on stand-by. We'll try three-second interval shots. Stand by to reforce the anti-matter field round the Wheel - maybe we can turn them off course.

ENRICO: Coming into range

. LEO: Right. Tanya, watch the power levels.

(TANYA is at her console by now.)

LEO: The Bernalium rods must be nearly burned out by now.

ENRICO: In range now. Bearing One Eighty - One Ninety as before.

LEO: Red on stand-by. Fire!

(The sound of a shot is heard.)

LEO: Fire!

(Another shot.)

TANYA: Power dropping, Leo.

LEO: (to Bridge TECHNICIANS)Switch over to anti-matter projectors!

(The TECHNICIANS work busily for a moment, before ENRICO cuts in.)

ENRICO: They're turning! We've deflected them!

(The DOCTOR starts to sit down in JARVIS's now empty chair.)

DOCTOR: Well, thank heav... (He notices that JARVIS is not on the bridge.)

DOCTOR: Hello... Where's Jarvis?!

(The crew look about the bridge for JARVIS. He has disappeared.)


Corridor (JARVIS is walking down the corridor, his face totally blank face. His mind is on other things.)


Operations Room (The DOCTOR and LEO are standing by the communication screen while TANYA is switching through different shots of the Wheel's interior. Finally they come across a picture of the corridor and see JARVIS walking down it.)

LEO: There he is.

(JARVIS walks off the screen. LEO calls into the communicator.)

LEO: Jarvis! Jarvis! What are you doing?

(JARVIS's face comes in close on the screen - he is obviously staring at the communicator camera.)

LEO: Jarvis, what are you doing? Come back!

JARVIS: (on screen)No, I'm going on. They've killed Gemma, you know.

TANYA: Please come back!

JARVIS: (on screen) I've lifted the force field. You'd better replace it.

(LEO makes a move towards the door.)

TANYA: Leo, where are you going?

LEO: To bring him back...

(The DOCTOR spots something moving behind JARVIS on the screen.)

DOCTOR: No, wait... You're too late... Look!

(A CYBERMAN is approaching JARVIS from behind. LEO and TANYA spot it but too late.)

LEO: Jarvis, watch out!

TANYA: Arrghh!


Corridor (JARVIS turns around and sees the CYBERMAN approaching him. He moves forward, intending to attack the giant creature. They get closer and closer to each other and then, just as JARVIS is about to put his hands on the CYBERMAN, the CYBERMAN grabs hold of JARVIS's throat and starts strangling him.)


Operations Room (LEO and TANYA watch in horror and hold on to each other. The DOCTOR also watches, horrified by what he is seeing.)


Corridor (The CYBERMAN picks JARVIS up and hold him above his head. JARVIS is crying out in agony.)


Operations Room (LEO, TANYA and the DOCTOR are still watching in horror.)


Corridor (JARVIS lands hard on the floor after being thrown by the CYBERMAN. He looks stunned, but the CYBERMAN fires a shot from his chest unit weapon and JARVIS is killed. The CYBERMAN moves closer to inspect the body.)


Operations Room (LEO, TANYA and the DOCTOR watch as the CYBERMAN moves forward to inspect JARVIS's body.)

TANYA: Turn it off! Turn it off!

(The DOCTOR moves over and switches off the communicator.)


Rocket Control Room (In the control room of the 'Silver Carrier', ZOE is sitting in the chair gasping for breath, while JAMIE comes in view and gives ZOE a drink. Both have taken their helmets off.)

JAMIE: Here.

ZOE: Oh, thanks, Jamie.

JAMIE: How do you feel now?

ZOE: I didn't think we'd get through! I feel as if someone's been hitting me all over with small hammers.

JAMIE: Aye, just you take it easy.

ZOE: Oh, it's all right. I'll help. What's this thing like, we're looking for?

(JAMIE puts his hands some distance apart to indicate a length.)

JAMIE: It's about that long, gold, with a gold tip at one end and a white one at the other.

(ZOE nods her understanding.)

Now, you're sure that you're alright?

(ZOE nods.)

Come on, then.


A Room in the Wheel (A CYBERMAN is in the room with VALLANCE. There are controls behind the two of them.)

CYBERMAN: The meteories have been destroyed. Now we will take over. You have inserted the capsule in the air supply?


CYBERMAN: Inject it into the system.

(VALLANCE turns to the controls and flicks some switches.)

CYBERMAN: Effective penetration should be immediate. Report.

(VALLANCE turns back to the CYBERMAN.)

VALLANCE: Negative. They must have switched over to the emergency supply.

CYBERMAN: That cannot be reached?

VALLANCE: No. It is inside the force field.

(The CYBERMAN turns to a cyber-communicator and opens it. The picture of the CYBER-COMPUTER appears on the screen.)

CYBER-COMPUTER: Do you report success?

CYBERMAN: No. Our plans are anticipated.

CYBER-COMPUTER: Wait. The data will be computed.

(A noise comes from the CYBER-COMPUTER as it checks the new data.)

One of the Earth humans must have experience of our methods. Projection of all identities on the Wheel is essential.



Rocket Control Room (ZOE is watching the monitor screens on the Rocket's control panel, and a picture of VALLANCE and the CYBERMAN has appeared. JAMIE enters.)

JAMIE: Zoe, I found the rod... Look! This is the...

(JAMIE waves it about.)

ZOE: The Cybermen! I must have broken in on their frequency! This may be important.


A Room in the Wheel (A beam from the CYBERMAN's head touches VALLANCE's head. It seems that the CYBERMAN is getting information from VALLANCE.)

CYBERMAN: Stare into the box.

(VALLANCE turns and stares into the box indicated by the CYBERMAN.)

CYBERMAN: Think of each individual human being at present on the Wheel. Form the image in your eyes.


The CYBER-COMPUTER (We see a close-up of the CYBER-COMPUTER. A picture of TANYA overlaps the image of the COMPUTER.)

VALLANCE: (oov) Tanya Lernov, Astrogater, Second Class.


(The picture of TANYA is replaced with one of LEO.)

VALLANCE: (oov) Leo Ryan, Communications Officer.


(LEO is replaced with JARVIS.)

VALLANCE: (oov) Jarvis Bennett, Space Station Controller.



Rocket Control Room (Both JAMIE and ZOE are watching the Cyber-Computer on the rocket's console screen.)

ZOE: They seem to be talking about the whole crew of the Wheel, one after the other.

JAMIE: But why? What're they after?

(A picture of ZOE is overlapped on the screen with the CYBER-COMPUTER. JAMIE points it out, but ZOE has already seen it.)

VALLANCE: (oov) Zoe Heriot, Astrophysicist, Astrometricist, First Class.



The CYBER-COMPUTER (ZOE's picture is replaced with one of the DOCTOR.)

VALLANCE: Doctor... I don't know who he is.


VALLANCE: I don't know!


A Room in the Wheel (VALLANCE is mentally struggling. He wants to remember the DOCTOR's name, but he can't.)


VALLANCE: I don't know... I don't know...


Operations Room (LEO is talking with the DOCTOR, TANYA and ENRICO.)

LEO: But what possible use can the Wheel be to these Cybermen, Doctor?

DOCTOR: That remains to be seen.

LEO: I don't see why you don't accept my theory that they're simply attacking us.

DOCTOR: But they wouldn't go to all this trouble just to knock out one small space Wheel.

(TANYA's attention has been grabbed by something on her screen.)

TANYA: Leo! There's something on radar.

LEO: What?

(They all stare at the radar scanner.)

ENRICO: It's not a meteorite. Look, it's changing course.

TANYA: There's no ships due in this part of space!

ENRICO: Anyway, it's too big for one of our ships.

DOCTOR: It could be a Cyberman space-ship.

LEO: Moving in for the kill.

DOCTOR: Possibly.

LEO: What about radio, Rico? We must contact Earth for assistance.

ENRICO: Not a chance. Though I could fix it up OK, but I need some transistors and they're in the Power Room.

LEO: Then one of us will have to go and get 'em.


Rocket Control Room (ZOE and JAMIE are still watching the CYBER-COMPUTER on the screen.)

CYBER-COMPUTER: (oov) Positive. The Doctor is known and recorded. An ememy. He must be lured outside the force field and destroyed.

(JAMIE grabs his helmet.)

JAMIE: They're going to try and trap the Doctor! Come on, let's go back and warn him!

(ZOE grabs her helmet and follows.)


Operations Room (TANYA is showing the DOCTOR and LEO the map of the Wheel.)

TANYA: ...And these are the corridors leading to the Power Room.

LEO: That's no good. We don't know where those Cybermen are going to be.

TANYA: How else is he going to get there? Though the cable tunnels?

LEO: No, No. They are blocked off. Here... and here.

(He points at two places on the map.)

That leaves the emergency air tunnels.

(The communicator bleeps and LEO turns it on. It is FLANNIGAN.)


LEO: Flannigan! Where are you?

FLANNIGAN: In the corridor. Outside the Spares and Workshop. I got a whole bunch of them locked up in the Workshop.

LEO: Is the way clear through to the Power House?

FLANNIGAN: It is. But they're melting down the doors. I can't hold them for much longer.

LEO: Well look, one of us has got to come for some radio spares. Will you bottle them up as long as possible?

FLANNIGAN: Right. I will seal off the other compartments but you'd better send someone quickly for them spares!

LEO: Right.

FLANNIGAN: They may be trying the other doors.

DOCTOR: Excuse me...

(He pushes forward to LEO.)

Tell him that I will go for the spares.

LEO: You! Well surely it's better if I go...

DOCTOR: I think that it's essen... essential that I go!

LEO: Alright, it's your neck. (to FLANNIGAN) Look, Flannigan, the Doctor's coming for those spares. Just hold them back for as long as you can.

FLANNIGAN: I will meet up with the Doctor in Corridor Six.

LEO: Right.

(LEO turns off the communicator.)

DOCTOR: Now listen, as soon as Flannigan comes through the force field, grab him!

TANYA & LEO: Grab him?

LEO: What for?

TANYA: And he isn't coming here. Didn't you hear him? He's going to meet you in Corridor Six.

DOCTOR: I somehow don't think he will. Now please do as I say. I'll have the map.

(He takes it from TANYA and moves toward the door.)

Now remember. Don't trust him! Check the metal plate on the back of his neck.

TANYA: But you'll get... (TANYA starts to protest, but the DOCTOR is gone.)


Corridor (FLANNIGAN is walking down a corrdior, and is greeted by a CYBERMAN.)

FLANNIGAN: The Doctor is coming to Corridor Six.

CYBERMAN: Return to the operations room. Destroy the force field after they let you through.

(FLANNIGAN turns and walks away.)


Space (JAMIE and ZOE are seen on their way back to the Wheel.)


Power Room (The DOCTOR opens the Power Room grate and climbs into the room. He checks the map to see if he is in the right place and then sees a small bottle on a table. He moves over to the table, puts the map down on it and picks up the bottle - it contains mercury. The DOCTOR pockets it.)

DOCTOR: Ah... mercury!

(He grabs some other parts from the table and moves to the door to check that the coast is clear. It is. He has a good look at the door frame and then moves over to another table, on which lies a lot of equipment, including a lever. He checks to see if it still works, and it does.)

DOCTOR: Yes, I- I don't see why it shouldn't work.

(He gets to work.)


Emergency Airlock (The airlock opens to admit JAMIE and ZOE. JAMIE see GEMMA's body.)

JAMIE: Doctor Corwyn!

(Then he sees that she is dead. He takes ZOE by the hand, and they leave the room.)


Corridor (A corridor outside the Oxygen Room. JAMIE and ZOE walk quietly down it, looking for any signs of life. They run into FLANNIGAN.)

ZOE: Flannigan!

FLANNIGAN: What are you two doing wandering about? Them creatures are all over the place!

JAMIE: We know they are.

FLANNIGAN: Follow me... This way's quicker.

(ZOE and JAMIE follow him.)


Corridor Six (VALLANCE and a CYBERMAN are waiting for the DOCTOR.)

CYBERMAN: The Doctor has not come.

VALLANCE: He must have gone another way.


VALLANCE: Through the air tunnels. There is one leading to the Power Room.

CYBERMAN: Show me.

(They move forward.)


Operations Room (FLANNIGAN comes into the room, followed by JAMIE and ZOE. FLANNIGAN goes straight to the force-field controls but is spotted by LEO and ENRICO, who grab him, wrestle him to the floor and check the metal plate on the back of his neck.)

JAMIE: Hey, what you doing?

ZOE: He led us here!

TANYA: He was under Cyberman influence.

JAMIE: What?!

(FLANNIGAN cries out, then nearly passes out.)

LEO: Right, he should be alright now. Sit him over there, Rico.

(ENRICO takes FLANNIGAN to a chair.)

ZOE: You mean he was being controlled?

LEO: Yes. You were dead lucky.

JAMIE: Aye. Here, where's the Doctor? The Cybermen are going to try and lure him away and trap him.

TANYA: He's already gone.

JAMIE: What?

(The communicator bleeps. LEO goes and answer it. It's the DOCTOR.)

DOCTOR: I've got the spares.

JAMIE: Doctor, be careful!

DOCTOR: Jamie! Oh thank heavens, are you and Zoe alright?

JAMIE: Yes. Now listen, the Cybermen know you are on the Wheel. They're going to try and trap you.

DOCTOR: Yes, I guessed they would. Have you got the Time Vector Generator?


(He waves it in front of the communicator screen.)

DOCTOR: Good! Now, now listen to me, I want you to bring it to me, hmm... Get someone to show you the way through the air corridors.

(He pauses and stares at something in a corner of the room. He knows that he isn't alone.)

Hello... I think I've got company...

(The DOCTOR switches off the communicator.)

JAMIE: Company? Wh... what does he mean... Company!


Power Room (The DOCTOR moves forward, seemingly lost in thought, then he turns about. Two CYBERMEN are standing just inside the door. The DOCTOR speaks to them in a quiet, almost resigned voice.)

DOCTOR: I, I suppose you've come for me.

CYBERMAN 1: You know our ways.

DOCTOR: Yes I... I thought you'd realise somebody did. I imagine you have orders to destroy me.


DOCTOR: Tell me one thing. Why did you order Duggan to destroy radio communication with the Earth? After all, that is why you want possession of the wheel, isn't it?

CYBERMAN 1: You know our ways.

DOCTOR: That doesn't answer my question.

CYBERMAN 2: He was instructed to destroy only the transmitting complex.

DOCTOR: (in thought) Oh, I see. How interesting. Yes, of course. And presumably your large spaceship holds your invasion fleet. And the smaller ships can only enter the Earth's atmosphere by homing on a radio beam.

CYBERMAN 2: You know our ways. You must be destroyed.

DOCTOR: Yes, well I... I was afraid that you would get back to that. Well, you'd better come in.

(The first CYBERMAN starts to move forward. After he has taken two steps, the DOCTOR throws a switch. Lightning jumps between two points on each side of the door, trapping the CYBERMAN and causing him to struggle about. After fighting a losing battle the CYBERMAN crashes to the floor - dead. The second CYBERMAN tries to kill the DOCTOR by firing from his chest unit weapon, but the energy from the shot is absorbed as it reaches the lightning points. It seems that when the DOCTOR switched the points on, it created a small force shield.)

DOCTOR: You can't get through the field you know.

(The second CYBERMAN, seeing he is trapped, starts backing out of the door)

CYBERMAN 2: You will be destroyed. Others are coming.

(The DOCTOR throws the switch again turning off the force shield. Suddenly the ventilation grate is opened and FLANNIGAN climbs out. The DOCTOR looks worried, as he thinks FLANNIGAN is still under the control of the CYBERMEN; his anxiety soon turns to delight when JAMIE follows FLANNIGAN out into the room.)

DOCTOR: Jamie!

(He points to FLANNIGAN.)

Is he alright?



FLANNIGAN: I got a head like a big bass drum. Someone's going to pay for this.

JAMIE indicates the dead CYBERMAN.)

JAMIE: Well, looks like the Doctor's already made one of them pay!

DOCTOR: Yes, but they're sending in reinforcements, probably through the Loading Bay. Have you got the rod?... Thank you.

(The DOCTOR takes the rod from JAMIE and moves over to the laser gun. He slots the rod into the gun, talking to JAMIE and FLANNIGAN while he works.)

DOCTOR: I'm going to try and fix this into the laser gun circuit. With any luck, I should be able to boost the power enough to destroy the Cyberman spaceship. But you'll have to hold them off at the loading bay - I need time.

FLANNIGAN: Right, leave that to me.

DOCTOR: Well there's still a Cyberman left, so watch out for him.

(FLANNIGAN picks up a container filled with liquid plastic, and waves it at the DOCTOR.)

FLANNIGAN: Well, I think I know just the thing for him!


(He throws another metal transistor plate to JAMIE, who catches it.)

Here's a metal plate for Vallance.

(JAMIE exits, turning back as he goes through the door.)

JAMIE: Leo Ryan says for you to call him.

(FLANNIGAN follows.)

FLANNIGAN: Let's see how them creatures like this stuff!

(Alone again, the DOCTOR start to work fully on restoring the laser gun.)


Operations Room (LEO and the rest of the crew are still at their usual posts.)

ENRICO: That ship's closing in on us.

(The communication screen chimes, and LEO moves across to it and flicks the switch. The screen fills with the picture of the DOCTOR.)

DOCTOR: I'm trying to put some extra power in your laser. Line it up on the Cyberman space-ship and I'll let you know when I'm ready.

LEO: Right - well you'd better hurry, Doctor, that ship's moving toward us.

DOCTOR: Yes, I know. They're going to invade us!


Space (The CYBERMEN's spaceship moves ever closer to the station.)


Loading Bay (JAMIE and FLANNIGAN, dressed in spacesuits, climb down the stairs to the loading bay. VALLANCE, also dressed in a spacesuit, and the CYBERMAN with him, move forward to greet the two new arrivals.)

FLANNIGAN: I could not get through the force field to the Operations room, and I caught this man on the way back.

CYBERMAN: He is not important.

(The CYBERMAN starts to moves over to the door control. FLANNIGAN and JAMIE look at each other and then at VALLANCE. VALLANCE is staring hard at both JAMIE and FLANNIGAN.)


Power Room (The DOCTOR is still working at the laser gun control and LEO is on the power room communicator.)

LEO: Hurry, Doctor! Hurry!

DOCTOR: Yes, alright!


Space (A large group of CYBERMEN walk through space toward the Wheel.)


Loading Bay (The CYBERMAN is still moving toward the door control and while his attention is on the control, both JAMIE and FLANNIGAN make their moves. FLANNIGAN grabs hold of VALLANCE's space helmet and forces it up high enough for JAMIE to reach up and put the metal plate on VALLANCE's neck. VALLANCE cries out and looks disoriented.)

JAMIE: Got him! Flannigan!

(The CYBERMAN has noticed VALLANCE's cries and starts to return to the bay. FLANNIGAN points the plastic container at the CYBERMAN and shoots the liquid plastic at the CYBERMAN's chest unit. As the liquid takes effect, the CYBERMAN manages to reach the door control and turn it, causing the main Wheel doors to open.)


Outer Doors (The approaching CYBERMEN are now just a few metres away from the open doors, and slowly moving toward them.)


Loading Bay (As the CYBERMAN collapses, FLANNIGAN moves over and re-turns the door control, causing the outer doors to start to close.)


Outer Doors (The CYBERMEN have nearly reached the doors as they start to close.)


Loading Bay (JAMIE moves over to FLANNIGAN, and the two of them watch as the CYBERMEN approach.)


Outer Doors (The first CYBERMAN from space has reached the outer doors and is trying to keep them open.)


Loading Bay

JAMIE: Use the plastic again!

FLANNIGAN: I can't! I wasted it all on the other one!


Outer Doors (The first CYBERMAN is still trying to keep the doors from closing.)


Operations Room (The DOCTOR has appeared on the communication screen. TANYA is by the screen, with LEO seated at the controls.)

DOCTOR: Right. Everything is ready here.

(TANYA turns to LEO.)

TANYA: Ready, Leo.

LEO: Red on standby.


Space (The CYBERMEN's space-ship is still moving closer.)


Operations Room (LEO is still at the controls.)

LEO: And fire!


Exterior, the Wheel (The laser gun mounted on the exterior of the Wheel fires a shot.)


Space (The shot hit the CYBERMEN's space-ship, causing it to explode!)


Outer Doors (The first CYBERMAN is now managing to re-opening the doors.)


Loading Bay (FLANNIGAN is moving over to the stairs and is hanging on to them.)

FLANNIGAN: They're going to operate the neutron force-field! Hold tight!

(JAMIE hangs on to FLANNIGAN and another stair.)


Space (With white flashes of light, the CYBERMEN outside the outer doors are pushed away from the Wheel by the neutron force-field, which causes them to go spinning out-of-control into deep space.)


Loading Bay (With the outer doors closed, VALLANCE operates the oxygen controls. Oxygen is pumped into the Loading Bay, and VALLANCE, JAMIE and FLANNIGAN lift off their helmets' visors and breathe in the air.)

JAMIE: Oh, we've done it!

(JAMIE and FLANNIGAN punch each other on the shoulder in a sign of triumph.)


Operations Room (Some time later, most of the Wheel crew except for ZOE is standing on the bridge. ENRICO is talking into the communicator, while LEO and TANYA are very close together.)

ENRICO: Earth Central, stand by for emergency report.

VOICE: (oov) Earth Central - contract clear. Standing by.

(ENRICO hands over the communicator to LEO.)

LEO: (To TANYA) Where's Zoe?

TANYA: She gone to see both the Doctor and Jamie back to the rocket.

VOICE: (oov) Earth Central standing by with recording apparatus. Commence report.

LEO speaks into the communicator.)

LEO: Hello, Earth Central. This is Captain Ryan, acting controller of Station Three.

VOICE: (oov) Recording in progress. Go ahead, Captain.

LEO: Primary report on communications failure. Radio contact lost at approximately 12:52 hours due to invasion of alien force. Full report to follow.

(TANYA moves forward and holds LEO's hand, which is on the controls.)

All systems now operational. Request offical permission to assume responsibility.


Rocket Control Room (JAMIE and ZOE are shaking hands and saying goodbye.)

ZOE: So I've just got to go back!

JAMIE: I'm afraid so.

ZOE: And you won't tell me anything about this... what is it?


ZOE: Oh yes. I asked the Doctor what it meant. Time And Relative Dimensions In Space, he said.

JAMIE: Er... yes.

ZOE: But you won't explain it.

JAMIE: Well... You see Zoe, it's... well it's like two different worlds. You've got yours and the Doctor and me have got ours.

(The DOCTOR calls from the corridor outside the control room.)

DOCTOR: (oov) Jamie!

(JAMIE starts to move away towards the DOCTOR's voice.)

JAMIE: You've been... well, look Zoe, we won't forget you.

(JAMIE exits quickly, leaving ZOE deep in thought.)


TARDIS Console Room (The DOCTOR is slowing pouring mercury from a small bottle into a funnel, which is plugged into the TARDIS. The DOCTOR pours a decent amount of mercury in and then changes his mind and adds a little bit more. After putting on the lid, he then throws a switch on the console. The Time Rotor lights up, indicating that the TARDIS is back to normal working conditions. The DOCTOR is happy with this and is still laughing when JAMIE enters.)

JAMIE: All set?

DOCTOR: Yes, I've even got some mercury left over.

(The DOCTOR moves over another part of the console and looks at the readings.)

JAMIE: Then we can go then?

DOCTOR: Yes, I think...

(He stops when he notices that a chest, in a corner of the console room, is slightly open. A human hand can be seen holding the lid. The person inside is trying to close it without making a noise.)

Just a little matter to settle first, I think, Jamie...

(The DOCTOR moves over to the chest, knocks on it and opens the lid. The person inside the chest slowly climbs up. It is ZOE.)

JAMIE: Hey, I thought I told you...

ZOE: I want to go with you!

JAMIE: Well, it's impossible!

DOCTOR: Well, Jamie, it's not impossible, it's something that we have to decide. (to ZOE) You may change your mind.

ZOE: No, I won't.

DOCTOR: I wonder!

(The DOCTOR crosses to a roundel and pushes it away to reveal a strange helmet device. He takes the helmet and puts it on.)

DOCTOR: Zoe, watch the screen up there.

(He indicates the scanner.)

JAMIE: What are you going to do?

DOCTOR: I'm going to show Zoe the sort of thing that she may be in for.

ZOE: Thought patterns?

DOCTOR: Yes, only I'm going to weave them into a complete story for you. Have you ever heard of the Daleks?

ZOE: No.

DOCTOR: Then watch!

(All three of them stare at the scanner screen as a picture appears...)


Hidden Room in WATERFIELD's Study (The scanner shows a scene from the Doctor's previous encounter with the Daleks. KENNEDY stands in a small room, dominated by an alien-looking transmat device against one wall. He looks on in horror as a DALEK appears in the transmat device.)

DALEK: Who are you? Who are you? Answer!

(KENNEDY looks in terror at the creature, and turns to run. As he reaches the door, though, the DALEK fires, and with a scream of agony, KENNEDY slumps to the ground, dead. The DALEK steps back into the transmat device and dematerializes.)


Console Room (ZOE watches in surprise, awe and excitement.)









Sean Flannigan JAMES MELLOR



Title Music RON GRAINER and the BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Special Sounds BRIAN HODGSON BBC Radiophonic Workshop

Special Effects Designer BILL KING





Film Cameraman JIMMY COURT

Film Editor ROY FRY




Directed by TRISTAN de VERE COLE

Transcription LEE HORTON (T_501F5_LH@solent.ac.uk)