Raymond MacFadyen Art

Original Painting by
Raymond MacFadyen of Uddinston Scotland

This commissioned 27X20 inch painting was painted for me in the fall of 2005. The rich colors and fine details are spectacular. The spoons in the pocket are also park of my collection.

Original Painting by
Raymond MacFadyen of Uddinston Scotland

This wonderful original piece of fine artwork was painted for me by Ray as a gift from my good friend Colin Young. It is the best likeness of the Fourth Doctor I have ever seen and the detail of K9 is simply astounding. You have to see it in person to enjoy all the colors and beauty of the composition. Ray is a world class painter and I'm very proud to own this example of his talents.

Original Art from the Recorder Convention

This amazing piece of original artwork was produced exclusively for the Doctor Who convention ‘Recorder – A Tribute to Patrick Troughton’ which took place on the Isle of Man in August 1997. Raymond MacFadyen of Uddinston Scotland created this work on A3 size (297mm x 420mm) heavy duty art card and is the only one in existence. The portraits and monsters are amazingly detailed and a delight to see up close. This is the original, not a copy or a print.

Each celebrity guest that attended the convention autographed the picture with a bold silver paint pen.

  • ANNEKE WILLS (Polly)
  • DEBORAH WATLING (Victoria)
  • FRASER HINES (Jamie)
  • NICHOLAS COURTNEY (Brigadier Lethbridge Stewart)

Last Updated 11/12/2007 1:34:29 PM, by RichardWho Custom Software V1.0.50
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